5 Things to Consider for Your Next Virtual Conference

Believe it or not, free company swag doesn’t define a conference. They still can happen, but where do you start?

SNP Communications
2 min readSep 15, 2020

By: Roisin Hunt

Like it or not, in-person conferences and large events are off the table for the foreseeable future. So, now what? Here are a few things to consider -

  1. DO IT — Don’t wait. Many companies are postponing their usual in-person events and waiting until we can all be together physically again. Don’t fall behind. This is a unique moment in time to create intimate imaginative experiences for your audience and capture the mindshare of your customers, employees, or partners. People are open to connecting and being part of something new.
  2. CONTENT IS KING OR QUEEN — Your content matters most. There are fewer distractions for a virtual event like registration booths, buffet breakfasts, swag, or venue. What does your audience really care about? Your message needs to tap into that. Make it relevant to them. And your delivery needs to be clear, concise, and memorable. Otherwise, just send an email.
  3. THINK BROADCAST BEST PRACTICES — Adjust to the medium. Time is distorted in a virtual setting. Zoom fatigue is a thing. Those 1-hour keynotes? Think 15 minutes — shorter, snappier, and to the point. Brief is better. Use multiple voices like a host with a panel, shorter individual segments, and lots of opportunities for audience interaction, with polls, gamification, etc. Roles matter — don’t go it alone for your segment. Assign a producer.
  4. CREATE CONNECTION — Get creative and personal. Imagine being an attendee getting swag delivered for a cocktail making happy hour? Imagine attending a cooking class with a famous chef. What about a family treasure hunt? Imagine having your favorite actor read a story to your kids. What about your own private music concert from a musician’s living room to yours? Find a way to connect as humans through your event. Get creative.
  5. CHOOSE YOUR PLATFORM/ADVENTURE — Research what works best for the experience you are trying to achieve. Do you want opportunities for your audience to speak from the floor? Do you want to create smaller breakout sessions? Do you want the ability to hold 500 or more people? What’s your budget? There are so many options. Do your research.

Whatever you decide — know this: being physically distant doesn’t mean we have to be apart.



SNP Communications

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