6 Topics Every Leader Should Be an Expert In

SNP Communications
3 min readSep 15, 2020

You can’t be an expert in everything, but if you want to lead, if you want to inspire, you need to master these.

By: Judy Sheldon

I’ve been coaching and facilitating events for C-Suite executives for a number of years. And whether they’re from a startup or a Fortune 100 company, one piece of advice always comes up for those climbing the ranks:

EQ becomes more and more important than IQ.

And having been exposed to those ranks, both as a professional and as a coach, that insight couldn’t be more accurate. Unfortunately, EQ content is usually brushed to the side by professionals. But it’s EQ that enables you to communicate, inspire, and motivate others to action. It’s essential.

If you want to make it to the top, here are the 6 topics every leader should be an expert in:

  1. How to Deliver Constructive Feedback

People often feel awkward or drag their feet when it comes time to giving feedback and recognition. It’s difficult, I get it. But here’s the thing, have you ever been told you have spinach in your teeth? After being mortified that you’ve been walking around smiling and braying like a donkey all day — you’re thankful! Because you no longer look like an idiot. The same goes for feedback.

Learning how to deliver feedback in a constructive way is one of the most powerful things a leader can learn how to do.

2. Influencing Others (without a carrot or stick)

The best way to get a donkey moving forward is to bribe them with a carrot or whack them with a stick. It’s not a good plan to ever take that approach with your direct reports or colleagues.

You can influence best by building relationships, seeking understanding, and adapting your approach and communication style to their preferred style.

3. Time management

When you’re younger you think that being a manager will be straightforward and you’ll just “manage.” But the reality is that most managers are also individual contributors. This means you get to do the fun dance of balancing being responsible for everyone else’s success and work… while also delivering on your own. That’s really tough. Learning how to manage your time and properly identify priorities is huge.

4. Delegation (don’t just throw it over the fence & walk away)

Delegating is the only way that managers can really balance their workload. Don’t just throw the work over the fence to any random direct report. Instead, get to know your team. Understand each direct report’s experience, ability, and personality. Then, leverage frameworks and delegate accordingly. (If you want to know more about how to do this… check SNP out).

5. Leadership Brand

Having worked at Nike and receiving my MBA from the University of Oregon, I love all things brand. The stories behind any brand creation (the good ones at least) are fascinating. And yet, I never thought about my own brand. And how powerful it would be to create a clear North Star on how I would act, make decisions, and figure out my next steps. Not only professionally but also personally. Creating a brand is an incredibly powerful thing that all leaders should do and have at the ready.

6. Storytelling

Of course, with a leadership brand, you can’t just walk around saying it. That would be awkward and weird. It needs to come out organically. Often that’s through stories. So, your ability to tell stories in compelling ways that inspire and motivate others is crucial. It can also connect your brand to others and compel them to find similar values, goals, and aspirations. Stories are powerful stuff, which isn’t too surprising considering our brains are hardwired for stories — there’s a reason Disney, Marvel, and every other blockbuster brand is successful.

Now, this list could go on and on but as a starter pack, it’s content that’s consistently needed and asked for by the most impressive resumes. If you want to get exposed to this content and more, check out SNP’s product offerings. Consider us your EQ sherpas on your climb to the top.



SNP Communications

Leadership communications for over 25 years. Yes, we’re that old.