The Grit of Holiday Movies

SNP Communications
3 min readDec 22, 2020

When we think of the holiday classics, we don’t usually think of grit, but perhaps we should…

By: Eli Shell

In her groundbreaking Ted Talk on Grit, Angela Duckworth says “grit is passion and perseverance toward very long term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out. Not just for the week, not just for a month, but for years. And working really hard to make that future a reality.” Grit is also often tied to a “growth mindset,” the idea that your ability to learn and grow isn’t fixed, that we can not only learn new things as we get older, but we can learn how to learn better.

This got us thinking; what can some of our favorite holiday characters teach us about grit?

The Grinch, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”

The Grinch FEELS like a gritty character, but is he really? The idea of stealing The Who’s Christmas appears to be a last-minute idea, not a goal he’s been pursuing for quite some time. While the Grinch doesn’t subscribe to a growth mindset, his heart does end up growing two sizes. Which, all health concerns aside does seem to lead to an increase in empathy and possibly, emotional intelligence. Sounds like growth to us. The Verdict: Somewhat Gritty

Buddy the Elf, “Elf”

After learning the truth about his parents, Buddy decides to look for his father, traveling via floating ice sheet for what must have been hundreds of miles in an elf costume through the frozen tundra in December. At every turn, Buddy has to push past the roadblocks that would have caused others to give up and fail. Each time his biological father tries to get rid of him, Buddy persists, eventually saving Christmas and bonding with his father. All of his failures were lessons and Buddy continued his quest in the face of great adversity. The Verdict: Pretty Gritty

Mary Bailey, “It’s a Wonderful Life”

Sure, everyone knows the story of George Bailey — deaf in one ear after saving his brother, only to watch that same brother travel the world, become a war hero, all while George stayed home to take care of the Savings and Loan. But what about the girl he “lassoed the moon” for? Mary believed in George even when he himself didn’t. She turned down her “plastics” suitor and made George a wonderful home from the dilapidated old mansion he once threw rocks at. In the tearful conclusion of the film, we learn she has spent the entire night knocking on every door in town to keep her husband out of jail. The Verdict: The Grittiest

While we don’t always associate “grit” with this time of year, when you look a little closer, you realize that some of our favorite holiday characters have much to teach us about perseverance, stamina, and a growth mindset. So, pour a cup of cheer, put on your favorite holiday movie, and learn something about the true meaning of the season, girt.

Have a happy and gritty holiday, everyone.



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